Holistic Care/Partners
Wellness comes in all forms as our mind, body and souls are all connected. Please take a moment to explore other methods of healing.
Holistic Treatment/Partners:
Ryan McDonald, BCSI
Ryan is a Board Certified Structural Integration Professional and a Licensed Massage Therapist since 2010.
Structural Integration:
SI (Structural Integration) is a series of Myofascial Release sessions combined with Movement Education intended to reorganize and integrate the body in relation to gravity.
General Goals of SI:
Complete Body Image. The client has improved KQ (kinesthetic Intelligence): Greater access to both the sensory information coming from and motor access to the entire body, with minimal areas of stillness, holding or ‘sensory-motor amnesia’.
Skeletal Alignment and Support. The joints are aligned in a way that allows minimal myofascial effort for standing and action.
Reduced Effort in Standing and Movement. Decreased ‘parasitic’ tension or unnecessary compensatory movement involved in any given task.
Range of Motion, Generosity of Movement. Decreased restrictions/limitations in chosen activities. Optimal range of movement (within the limits of overall health, age, history and genetic make-up) is better understood and more available.
Reduced Pain.
Length. In the trunk and the limbs, in the muscles and across the joints, the body lives its full length, rather than being held in shortness and compression.
Tensegrity/Palintonicity. The myofascial tissues are balanced around the skeletal structure such that there is a general evenness of tone.
Resilience. An improved ability to keep your balance and suffer less negative impact from the inevitable pitching seas of stress.
Follow this link for more information: https://www.ryanmcdonaldstructuralintegrationllc.com/
Healing Perspective Holistic Medicine
Becky LaPlante, L.Ac., Dipl.Ac, M.T.O.M.
Becky merges the mind, body, and spirit healing arts of Classical Five Element Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine with Niasziih Healing. Depending on each patient's needs, she will use other modalities such as moxibustion, medical qi gong, herbal medicine, acupressure, E-Stimulation, TDP mineral lamp therapy, gua sha, cupping, Reiki and sound healing.
Follow this link for more information: